BROKEN 24/12/18


Winter is upon us and the funny yet necessary cautious walking styles have begun. My lungs have started to ache daily with the 4am frosted fog that fills them. On the plus side its the only way I get water in to my body so thank you harsh nature. I have never been able to drink water in its raw undiluted format. Drinking water makes me feel like i’m drowning. I used to drink a lot of pool water as a kid so maybe theres just not enough chlorine in my taps.

Christmas is a time for giving so here is a little gift from me and it is a gift in the guise of a plea.

PLEASE go and support local music and your local music venues. The bands we love and the bands we are yet to love are out there desperately trying to sing you their stories. Please go and hear them. 

As the end of a fucked up year approaches I must admit I am eager to start a new one. The ripples of 2018 will never stop lapping at our numbing ankles and I, like everyone, feel their cold reminder every day.

As a follow up to ‘Recovery’ I will be releasing ‘Broken’ on Christmas Eve. It’s a song I have been working on for a while which for anyone who knows how I write is something slightly askew to the hasty way I usually do things. x

Broken will be available from all the usual download sites on 24/12/18